
I am writing this blogpost in our study on what is now our old Dell P.C.. Bang next to me is a large pine bookcase that we had made twenty or more years ago to fit the space. The bookcase is now bursting with books two deep. I must admit that I have a psychological problem when it comes to offloading books. I just can't get rid of them.

On the sixth shelf down there is a "book" with a three inch brown spine. Actually, it looks rather like an old photo album. It has been within touching distance of this keyboard for the last thirteen years and yet in all that time I never inspected it until this past weekend.

It was given to be by my immediate colleagues when I left the secondary school where I was The Head of English and Assistant Head and where I worked for twenty two years. Perhaps they imagined that when they put the book together with its photographs and writings that I would pore over it that very weekend but it has literally taken me thirteen years to check it out.

In one or two future blogposts I plan to share some of its contents.

In other news, some visitors may be interested to learn that I managed to sell my brother's Mercedes van last week. I confess that it had been like a millstone round my neck. I ended up re-taxing it and buying a week's insurance before driving it to a "we buy and car" unit in Beverley, East Yorkshire. The price I achieved was over £500 more than the offers I got from a local garage and an organisation called The Car Buying Group. I had no appetite for selling the van privately even though I was fully aware that I might make a better price on it that way. It was worth reminding myself that I personally will gain no profit from this sale. It's gone and I can breathe a sigh of relief. Now on to the next death-related hassle.

from Yorkshire Pudding


 This video from tiktok is extremely powerful 
Members of the Scottish public paying their respects to the Queen’s coffin, and bowing their heads without instruction as they pass 

from Going Gently



I’ve got some jobs done today. 
This week I have no shifts as I’ve taken some holiday that I was owed.
Living in an old building there is always things to do. 
I bought paint for the back of the cottage which is rendered white and I’m planning to paint the upstairs hall into the east wing the same gentle yellow of the living room.
This is a pragmatic decision as I’ve got far too much yellow paint left over from the living room.
Having said this, it’s humid and damp today so it’s not a day for painting.

I replaced the kitchen door knob, and went out blackberry picking to get the air and to feel the fine rain on my face, but there were few fruits to be seen down the lane than I expected, but there are more sloes to be had on the field borders
It was nice to be soaked though, and my feet in my flip flops squeaked happily as I clip clopped home. 

I booked Roger’s first haircut, paid bills and made bean soup, spiced with garlic and chilli. 
And watched the Queen’s Coffin being taken up the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. 
I see the line heckler that shouted that Andrew was a nonce was dragged backwards out of shot like an extra in one of the Alien films. 

from Going Gently


 This weekend I went away, and I learned a few things

Being still will teach more than being in motion. I love feeling small amongst God’s creation. 

Community can bring you alive

Being with children brings joy

What have you learned?

from R's rue