Trick or Treat

 One little zombie knocked on the door tonight and I had nothing for her, not even a pound coin.
I didn’t recognise her from the village but told her to come back for a treat.
She said she would 
Last night’s egging of the cottage has grown a little more menacing as I found later today that Bluebell was targeted too and four solar garden lights and a planter fully of fading geraniums were stolen .
Tonight the planters on the garden wall were pushed over, smashing two and with the dogs barking I was out quick sticks but saw nothing. 
I’ve had four home phone calls too, all hang ups with no numbers available 

It’s all feeling a bit personal now

from Going Gently


Overseas visitors to this humble Yorkshire blog may be unaware that Great Britain has got yet another unelected prime minister. I will give you two picture clues so that you can possibly guess his name...

Yes my friends, it is indeed


And not  what President Biden first called him  - Rashid Sanook 
or something like that!

By the way, just out of interest, does anybody out there use sumac in or on food?  I have never used it myself. It sounds as though it might enhance salads - just as an example. I plan to buy some and give it a whirl.

Speaking of food, here's the stew I was talking about yesterday...

from Yorkshire Pudding


 I’ve collected the last of the garden flowers this morning and placed them in a small vase on the window ledge.

Someone egged the kitchen windows and the back of the cottage last night. With five or six eggs all told 

It was around ten pm. I heard the dogs barking in the kitchen thought it was the stray cat trying to be through the cat flap again

Most had hit the cottage render rather than the windows but it was a devil to get off the glass

I wonder why it was done, no trick or treaters around
And the car has been egged too, I’ve just noticed …and several of my solar lights in the back garden are missing

from Going Gently

Ten years of friendship

 This day is about costumes and candy for many, but for me this day ten years ago seems like a blur of nerves and excitement. I will never forget being told to just do it and get out of my head. You need an outlet.  Those words started what you read all these years later. Now as for what blogging has taught me is or ten years does is that if you enjoy what you do, it will continue much longer than anticipated. I never thought I’d write this long. I didn’t feel confident that what I would share would matter. I didn’t think it would stick. I still wonder, but you keep coming back. I’m grateful for it. Deep within me, I keep at it, because the stability of my mental state depends on it. I would never believe other writers when they said it themselves, but it’s true. My physical health needs stretching and exercise. My mental health needs writing. When I don’t write for a day, mentally I feel displaced. Every day in which I’m afforded breath, it is my desire to be here. I can only pray you will join me. This is what I was meant to do. Write, love people and have them love me back. I can’t pay you back for all you’ve poured into the vessel that is me, but I’m blessed by it every day. You make me feel rich. Richly loved. Richly blessed. Richly wanted. And oh Lord, it still leaves me shocked that it could feel this beautifully and stunningly sweet and amazing. Thank you. So here’s to another ten. 

from R's rue