
All I have to share with you this Easter Sunday night is a bunch of photos of our darling granddaughter now that she has reached the age of fifteen months. How Little Phoebe  has developed! She walks pretty confidently now and is forming words. One of her favourite things to do is to sit on grandpa's knee watching animated characters on YouTube singing children's songs or nursery rhymes. In fact, we have to ration her visits to the computer screen as there are other things in life apart from  puppets singing "The Wheels On The Bus" or "Wind the Bobbin Up". 

Phoebe and her parents have just been away for two nights  - staying in a tiny cottage in Ulverston in The Lake District. It is where Stan Laurel hailed from. When she came into our house again, it was clear that she was genuinely happy to see her grandparents once more. Previously there was often a kind of puzzlement as if she had forgotten who we were. She has brought such joy and brightness into our lives and we love her very much.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/ZdhRM18

Easter Sunday

I'm on my break in our study  and I'm being watched

Work is quiet today, after a fraught few days,and the staff have made the most of the change of pace by sitting together discussing a glossary of Trans words.
It was an interesting and informative hour all told. 
We are sadly not up to speed with the more recent ways of describing the gender/sexuality world.
I hated Easter Sunday as a child btw
It was a boring day filled with too much chocolate and piss long biblical films on the BBC
I've never liked religious movies since

And have never been overly keen on chocolate either

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/KS8bV6R