Random Thoughts……Night Duty

Ihad my hair cut before work tonight .
I have a stylist rather than a barber! 
This is a step up for me. 
She laughed when I asked for something to be done tonight, 
I told her it looked like shredded wheat.

Going through my trusty Filofax yesterday I noticed that I had a film Studies lecture booked for tomorrow night. The subject is film noir and it is a couple of hours after by Opera appreciation course, and so I was really looking forward to it, but I was rostered onto night shifts so had forgotten . 
Luckily a colleague is covering for me , which is sweet of her.

I’ve organised my Filofax ( yes I use a Filofax and not my phone!) and crammed it with E tickets for forthcoming excitements in between black sets of nights….! What fun!

An outdoor production of a Pride and Prejudice in Chester
An Sunday afternoon showing of Now Voyager and lunch at the Jaunty Goat
A Vivaldi concert in the Botanical House in Sefton Park
Catching Comets, ( another out door Theatre Clwyd production described as an end of the world rom com)
A spinal injury reunion in York
An Evening with Nigella Lawson ( I may ask Gorgeous Dave or Jason to that one if I can cope with their erections) 
And “ Spirit Hole” an evening with Simon Amstell at the Liverpool Philharmonic which was described excitedly as “ Spirit Hole is a blissful, spiritual, sensational exploration of love, sex, shame, mushrooms and more, and promises to be a night of unprecedented joy and laughter.” 

Chic Eleanor texted this evening from the Italian Riviera saying she would graciously accept one of my invites.
I’ve also got Ben’s leaving do from work to fit in  ( he’s a bestie  a nurse who is moving to South Korea)
I’ve already sounded out Bridget from well street to see if she will make a cake with the Korean flag on the top of it.
I just noticed that I have astigmatism in my eye in the above photo
It reminded me of Nancy the cross eyed stewardess in Airport 75

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3yifOmB



In this thirty-eight year

Please let me live well

Praise effortlessly

Pray with intention

And those 

That hurt me

Love them

So that they

Can do 

The same





How they 

Treat you 

Is not

A reflection

Of your character

But theirs


You know

My heart

Refine it

And make

It whole

from R's rue https://ift.tt/3zQ4O0i


It's "Yorkshire Day" today! May I take this opportunity to wish you and all other visitors to this humble Yorkshire blog a very HAPPY YORKSHIRE DAY!

Yorkshire is England's biggest ceremonial county. Our population is bigger than Scotland's thought we don't receive the advantageous  funding that Scots have  enjoyed for generations. We hope to get a big slice of that when  or if Scotland goes independent.

Official forms often ask correspondents to state their "nationality". Here in Yorkshire, I am not the only one who prefers to write "Yorkshire" rather than "British" or "English".  We are rightly proud of our wonderful and varied county with its rich history and its spirit of common sense, fairness and creativity.

We feel ourselves to be a long way from London which seems like an alien place populated by Old Etonians, bankers and newspaper editors who know little about Yorkshire and the rest of The North.

Yorkshire Day is a time for celebration. For Yorkshire puddings, Wensleydale cheese, Yorkshire curd tarts. A time for remembering Fred Trueman, Amy Johnson, The Bronte Sisters, Captain James Cook, J.B.Priestley, Andrew Marvell, Ted Hughes,  William Wilberforce and Guy Fawkes.

Yes my friends,  let us dance to  "On Ilkley Moor Baht 'At" and  then let us sing the old football refrain that has often been chanted  by vocal Hull City supporters through the decades: "Yorkshire! Yorkshire! Yorkshire!" The lyrics are easy to grasp.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/3rNDbCf