
Last week I shared one of Little Phoebe's favourite YouTube videos with you - "Wiggly Woo". In the feedback, I was pointed to other videos I might introduce to her. Thanks to Ms Moon in Florida, supported by Mrs Barlow in South Carolina, for suggesting "The Duck Song", sometimes known as "Got any grapes?"

Somehow this video passed me by when it went viral a few years ago - amassing over 250 million views. It's very charming and I aim to share it with Phoebe on Wednesday of this week.

I would also like to thank Andrew in Melbourne, Australia for pointing me in the direction of a little cartoon donkey called Trotro. Again I had never heard of him but now I have watched four of his simple cartoon tales. Again - most endearing and just right for a little girl who is getting cleverer and more worldly-wise with each passing day. She will be watching Trotro on Wednesday too.

Ellen D in Illinois requested a blogpost that might cheer her up. I guess we all need cheery things these days in the light of all the bad stuff that has been happening and our shared anxieties about the future. So why not take time out to enjoy both "The Duck Song" and Trotro. Apologies to any deaf visitors.

"The Duck Song":-

Trotro (you might just want watch the first example):-

from Yorkshire Pudding


 My vacation was one I will never forget. It amazes me that last week I was on Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. The location was pure fairy tale even when life isn’t. I kept telling myself to be pinched. I couldn’t believe this was my reality. I’ve come back with plenty of seashells and sand in my purse that I don’t want to clean out. I’ve eaten more lobster in every form.  Every bite left me to imagine if my fantasy matched the reality. As I took in God’s creation, my breath got caught, my eyes amazed. The teal and turquoise waters crashing against golden sand will be etched forevermore. With each step, I fell in love with the Creator who exceeds my expectation, and says look. My soul rejoiced when my mind could not. I will say that on vacation, anxiety, still visited me. I needed to feel that ocean air, soft sand, massage those seashells to realign. Different locations teach different lessons, but they all come back with the same message. God is everywhere and in everything. 

from R's rue


 Back from Cape Cod

Ate more lobster

Than one should

Rode more ferries

Walked beaches

And saw

God’s creation

Putting on a show

from R's rue

Mother’s Bladder

 There is nothing more entertaining than a public row between partners
I’ve just been following a middle aged couple around Sainsbury’s and was privy to the best line of the morning when she turned to him and hissed loudly
Graham If you mention your mother’s cancerous bladder one more time I swear I will bloody swing for you” 
That one sentence paints a myriad of storylines just there.

I feel a bit more energised today, still snotty and coughing but I’m covid negative for a second day and have already taken a neighbour for a blood test, walked the dogs and done the shopping. 
I’m back working tonight but will make sure I have a good sleep this afternoon.

from Going Gently