70 Cocktail Sausages !


In between kitchen cupboard cleaning and organising 
I went to the cinema to see The Roads Not Taken .

The beautiful Selma Hayek 

A day in the life of Leo ( Javier Bardem) a Mexican author suffering from a dementia like mental illness , isn’t an easy watch.
As Leo is taken to routine visits to the dentist and optometrist by his daughter Molly ( Ellie Fanning) we glimpse two former periods of his life, which are either muddled and sporadic memories or present day hallucinations and the film is a relentless study of a mind fragmented and a psychi blunted 
Don’t go and see it if you are at a low ebb.....
Bardem who is usually so animated and watchable in his movies captures that faraway vagueness of dementia quite brilliantly and Selma Hayek is worth watching too in a smallish but vital role as his grief stricken first wife

Hummmm yes depressing stuff

So on a brighter note, 
When I was out walking the younger dogs Winnie broke into a full shopping bag without breaking a dozen eggs and managed quite deftly to break open a container of 70 cocktail sausages ( 2 weeks treats ) and ate the lot

She remains unrepentant and rather flatulent after my return home

The cottage smells of pork


 Yesterday I went out to collect some leaves - leaves that had fallen recently and were still soft.  In fall when leaves start dropping if you want to do anything with them and not have them break you have to get them soon after they drop and haven't dried out yet.  Since it's so early in fall there's not a lot of variety yet.  Liquid Amber leaves  are just beginning to turn and I've only found a few on the ground.  Wild ferns are all over the place and easy to get.  Dogwoods are changing fast as are black oak and some others I'm not sure of what they are.  So I went to two different shoreline areas knowing which trees I wanted to see if they were dropping yet.

When I got home I wanted to flatten the leaves out so I could use them in another leaf project.  I have an old Reader's Digest World Atlas book that's large and heavy with beautiful maps.  I placed these leaves  in there along with other leaves on different pages to flatten them.  I thought these looked so pretty, almost like an art piece.    


A nice moment of total control in this uncertain world
No covid
Blogger playing up
No rules
No work
No people with their mouths open like naked baby birds 
It’s Raining hard outside
And I am ordering my kitchen cabinets 
One by one
