
Thinking back to the last general election in Britain. This is what I wrote on December 13th 2019. To me it was an extremely depressing moment in history as the charlatan Boris Johnson got the keys to Downing Street and became our prime minister with a strong majority...

Tonight I am feeling as low as I felt that night in 1979 when Thatcher grabbed the keys to 10 Downing Street. This time the British electorate have apparently given their support to Johnson and his baying Tory mob. I am looking at television and the writing is already on the wall. The Conservative Party is about to enjoy a solid majority in The Houses of Parliament. They will be gloating and guffawing as only Tories can gloat and guffaw.

How on earth could British voters have allowed themselves to be fooled like this? I shake my head in despair. Five years of Johnson ahead and no chance whatsoever of returning to the European fold. That ship has already left the wharf.

I spent Thursday working at one of our local polling stations, arriving there at 6.15 in the morning and departing at 10.30pm. I had been hoping that the day would bring a hung parliament with a chance of achieving a second European Union referendum. But that dream is over.

The Tories are in and as I say I feel terribly low tonight. There are food banks in our country. There are rough sleepers on our streets. There is continuing division. The NHS is in crisis. We are breaking away from The European Union. Thousands of children are living in poverty. And yet, and yet...British voters fell for Johnson's lies, false promises and buffoonery.

He kept saying over and over again "Get Brexit Done!" and an army of fools listened. Hope is lost now. We are entering an unhappier world with kindness in retreat. BoJo The Clown is pulling the strings now. Save our Souls.


How things can change! Johnson soon revealed his true self. Idle. Self-serving. A showman. A shirker without substance. Entitled. Finally the voters who were hoodwinked by him started to see him for what he was. Leading Labour at the time was Jeremy Corbyn. A principled, hard-working parliamentarian  but he was also a dreamer who failed to see that his socialist visions were out of synch with the realities of modern times. Also in the picture is Huw Edwards the BBC's main news anchor. He has since left the BBC under a cloud  because of sexual misconduct allegations that he has not denied.

Tomorrow night,  as Labour sweep into power  and The Tories are unceremoniously cast aside, my feelings will be so different from  that miserable night in December 2019.

from Yorkshire Pudding

Pop ups


I took rest for granted until it’s the only thing that would fix the problem. Sometimes trying to fit into the box is more harmful than anticipated. I actually attempted to meditate. Lasted five minutes. Letting my breath be the only thing I hear was more challenging. Being still with myself was harder than I thought. I did it. Pumping the brakes is what I need. Not what I’d want. Needs are eclipsing wants these days. It’s a wonder anxiety lifts when we listen to what our bodies are not so silently telling us. 

Eating a slice of thin crust supreme pizza, reading a good book or checking out a good sale is bringing me joy today. Joy isn’t manufactured. It’s created in the moments we don’t realize are special. Fairy tales are nice, but reality is where I reside. It’s in the dog’s whimpers and cries to go explore. It’s in the country song that rattles my cage. Those lyrics are too darn true for my liking. It’s in my two dollar Old Navy flip flops covered in grass stains already. It’s in my twenty year old watch that still tells time. 

So today, I will eat cut up watermelon, spit the seeds and let summer simplicity be my guide. The season of heat isn’t teaching when to strike. When to sit. When to savor. When to relish the taste of a refreshing popsicle after hours in the chlorine. 

Here’s to pop ups, fireworks and independence from our own minds. Mine needs a hiatus. Love the life you live. It’s the one chosen for you to enjoy. 

from R's rue