
The annual end of year awards ceremony for blogging is fast approaching. Who will win? Only eleven days to go until The Laughing Horse winners are announced along with the overall and much craved "Blogger of the Year" award.

This year bloggers were of course encouraged to submit equine images upon which the prestigious winners' widget for 2023 might be based. The committee received dozens of entries from across the world and these  have been filtered down to this shortlist of five...

"Trigger" from Mrs J.Barlow of Florence, South Carolina, USA

"Dobbin" from Mr D. Northsider of County Cork, Ireland

"Shergar" from Ms M.Riley of Ludwigsburg, Germany

"Beauty" from "Anonymous" of Sheffield, England

"Bonnie and Clyde" from Mr Andrew Tramrider of Melbourne, Australia

After hours of deliberation, it was decided that the anonymous entry would be the best for this year's widget.

Of course, The Laughing Horse Awards go right back in time to 2008 when the first "Blogger of the Year" award went to the legendary, late and much missed Arthur Clewley. Last year's winner was another blogging legend - Bob Slatten from South Carolina who recently commented in an article in "The New York Times": "I never realised how becoming The Laughing Horse Blogger of the Year would change my life. It has opened doors for me and I have met so many brilliant people including Kim Kardashian, Eric Trump  and one of my personal heroes - Mike Johnson who is now speaker of the United States House of Representatives. It has been an amazing year!"

Following long-established tradition, Laughing Horse winners will be announced on New Year's Eve.

from Yorkshire Pudding


 I’ve been asked what I want for Christmas

Lip balm


Nail polish

Snail mail

Gift cards

Most of all Lord

I want your Presence 

Your peace

Your love 

Your hope

And your will

from R's rue