She was not happy at the treatment she had at Pet Smart Hotel - (yeah you Pet Smart - I'm talking to you).   We took Beanie to the hotel as we usually do for the past four or five years when we go out of town.   Every time we have ever taken her we know and they know, at least the person who checks her in and then notes it on her records, that she has a lot of stress going there.   (We have since thought to get her some kind of s edative but anyway...)...  They always accept her and when we pick her up usually four days later we are told the first few days she didn't eat or poop but then all was well.

So on Thanksgiving morning while we are up at the coast at 7:00 in the morning we get a call from Pet Smart ..some lady...saying our Beanie was taken to the vet on an emergency basis because she wouldn't eat or poop and without hesitation said a vet will be in touch and then hangs up.  We were asleep when the call came in so Mike was groggy as she was telling us this.   All day long we waited for the vet to call and then we tried to find emergency contact number to the Pet Hotel which there wasn't any listed anywhere.  and we didn't know what vet she had been taken to.   We couldn't get ahold of anybody and the vet never called.

Finally the next day we got a hold of them -and they said oh..the vet said this is just a usual thing with some cats and will resolve on it's own  (vet bill for him to tell the person that brought her back to the pet hotel was 94.00. )

I won't go into much detail as to our response after that because it's outrageously frustrating but we refused to pay the vet bill.    And they called this an emergency and only in an emergency do they NOT have to call you ahead of time to get your permission.  This was indeed a non emergency situation.  She had only been in about a day and a half.

Gotta stop - here - my blood pressure is rising, lol

Here is how she looked at us when we brought her home.  Like WTF was that all about - I'm fine and I just get a little case of nerves.

By the way, after we got done talking with the manager of the Pet Smart Hotel we were told we were not a good "fit" for their hotel, lolol.   Mike has been in touch with their Corporate Offices about the way the manager did not want to hear our side of it and kept saying  I support my employees and it is our policy.   

Beware  Pet Smart - I may have a lot of reviews to put up on YELP.