There I donned my walking boots and set off over The River Don, soon crossing what was once a coal mining landscape and then over The River Dearne which meets the Don just west of Consibrough. I met two women on the footbridge over the Dearne and one of them said I sounded like the poet Andrew Motion though I think she meant Simon Armitage - every word measured and weighed.
The lane to Cadeby was about a mile in length and I had to be alert to motor vehicles as I hugged the narrow verges. Not much traffic passed by but enough to keep me on my toes.
I continued to plod feeling perhaps uncharacteristically weary - the after effects of COVID I should think. I reached "The Boat Inn" at Sprotborough where I ordered a refreshing pint of bitter shandy before carrying on between The Don and Sprotborough Flash - a still lake and nature reserve that sits parallel to the river.
Up ahead an impressive railway viaduct came into view. Disused nowadays, I hadn't expected it to rise so high above the river valley. Lord knows how many bricks had been used in its construction - many thousands I am sure. I spoke to another lone rambler and he confirmed that I could walk over the viaduct. We crossed it together sharing friendly conversation. He had been born and raised in Conisbrough but now lives twenty miles away, close to where Shirley grew up.
After the viaduct it was only a further mile and a half back to the railway station where Clint was snoring in the lengthening shadows of the green pedestrian bridge over the railway lines. I climbed into the saddle and called out "Hi-yo, Silver, away!" before galloping of into the sunset. Well, to tell the truth, there was no sunset at four thirty in the afternoon but it sounds better that way.
from Yorkshire Pudding