
My chimney blocked again tonight
Yeah right..........just after I got home after a long day and I lit the log burner!!!
As the cottage filled with smoke 
I opened the door and windows to let out the fumes and went into the kitchen to hide as the temperature dropped to just above zero 
I sat in the reading chair, with the dogs and Albert jammed all together on my knee and I covered us all with a wool throw as we listened to radio 4
My family
A feisty Welsh terrier, a sad bulldog with issues and a wide eyed black cat with a deformed leg
And we sat together in the warmth of my reading chair 
Four souls 

from Going Gently


Two weeks after her birth, here's Phoebe on Grandpa's shoulder. In all my years of teaching I never taught one girl named Phoebe but curiously two female ancestors on my father's side had that name. They would have been housemaids or humble agricultural workers up on the moors west of Scarborough - like most of my father's family in years gone by. 

Phoebe is doing well. She is putting on weight. Her eyes are clearly focusing and she is beginning to make some sense of this multi-sensory  world she has now found herself in. She has not yet learnt that humans tend to sleep in the night-time and get active in the daytime but Frances is a patient and pragmatic mother. She knows that this post-natal confusion will not last forever.

from Yorkshire Pudding