Shirley got a message from my younger brother Simon. He had just been watching the popular late afternoon quiz show - "Tipping Point" hosted by Ben Shephard. Apparently there had been a question about "Bosh!"
With some difficulty I located the show via the ITV catch up service. It was in the second section that Ben Shephard asked smiley contestant Naureen this: "In 2019, vegan chefs Henry Firth and Ian Theasby published a recipe book that had a three word title - "Bish! Bash!..." and?"
Naureen said "Bosh!" which was of course correct.
Then I turned to Ian and said, "That's bloody amazing! Forget everything else that "Bosh!" have achieved. Having a question asked about you on 'Tipping Point' is the pinnacle. Things don't get any better than this!"
Ian and Henry have just published their seventh book. It is called "Bosh! On a Budget". It is packed with wallet-friendly recipes, including one for a chocolate bar named after me - 'Neil's Tiger Bar'! Can you believe it? I haven't made it yet but I will be doing real soon. I am sure it will be delicious!
In other "Bosh!" news, I am proud to let you know that over all they have now sold more than a million vegan recipe books. This is truly awesome
Ian is sleeping now - upstairs in his old room with his lovely girlfriend and we are off to The Crucible theatre on Wednesday afternoon to see a musical called "She Loves Me". Unfortunately, the evening football match that we also have tickets for has been called off because of COVID amongst the players.
For me, Sheffield United versus Hull City is a home match and I was so looking forward to it. My good friend Tony was going to drive over for it from East Yorkshire but that plan has now been scuppered. Bloody, horrible, nasty, shitty, tiresome, annoying, blasted, bloody COVID! I am heartily sick of it. Perhaps I have reached my own "tipping point"!
from Yorkshire Pudding