
Rather than hosting a new edition of "Quiztime" today, I have decided to do something a little different. All that this blogpost is about is providing links back to previous homemade quizzes I have published here on "Yorkshire Pudding" in the past year.

Incredibly, for your entertainment, elucidation and occasional frustration, I have created more than thirty "Quiztime" quizzes. But here are just ten of them:- 

March 4th 2024

April 1st 2024

Yes folks it is a veritable smorgasbord of quiz questions. Some of you out there might be asking - What the hell is a smorgasbord? 

ANSWER (from Swedish) a range of open sandwiches and 
delicacies served as hors d'oeuvres or as a buffet.
a wide range of something; a variety.

from Yorkshire Pudding


 Love me


As only

You can

When sufficiency

And peace

Are flailing

And floundering

Upward I look

For if 

Looking down

Collapses my spirit

Faster than sinking ships

On Your day


To me

The first fruits 

Of Your divinity

from R's rue