Some blogs endure and some fall by the wayside as the art form known as "blogging" advances through the years. Recognition is important in any industry and The Laughing Horse Blogging Awards have become something of a highlight as each blogging year draws to a close. Even as I write these words, The Awards Committee are in a huddle, debating sub-awards and commendations as well as fixing on the blog that will take the ultimate prize - "Blogger of the Year for 2021".
To refresh your memory, here's a list of past winners:-
2008 – Arthur Clewley for “Arthur Clewley”
2009 – Daphne Franks for “My Dad’s a Communist”
2010 – John Gray for “Going Gently”
2011 – Ian Rhodes for “Shooting Parrots”
2012 – Kate Steeds for "The Last Visible Dog"
2013 – Tom Gowans for “A Hippo on the Lawn”
2014 – Meike Riley for “From My Mental Library”
2015 – Lee George for “Kitchen Connection”
2016 – Steve Reed for “Shadows and Light”
2017 - Keith Kline for "Hiawatha House"
2018 - Mary Moon for "Bless Our Hearts".
2019 - Jenny O'Hara for "Procrastinating Donkey"
2020 - Cro Magnon for "Magnon's Meanderings"
Monsieur Magnon's reign will end as this troubled year also reaches a shuddering halt. He has worn the "Blogger of the Year" crown with dignity and pride, waving gracefully to jubilant crowds as he travelled to and from LeClerc each week. More recently, he has wowed the burghers of Brighton and Hove with his swashbuckling tales. The Laughing Horse Committee wish to put on record their gratitude and admiration for the way in which Cro Magnon has conducted himself these past twelve months. It will be a hard act to follow - that's for sure.
from Yorkshire Pudding