We are definitely getting out now that we can move our car from the driveway and get out on the road without slipping on ice. We only had an inch of snow but we were housebound because the snow turned to ice and there were accidents ALL over the mountain communities. So I'll sketch when I get back. In the meantime, I'm seeing some old art in my files and I remember how much I liked meeting "Mimosa" in my imagination. I would find photos of people on the internet and use them for practice.
PAINted this about 2009 so 10 years ago.
My interpretation of a photo found on the net. For somereason I think of her as a grandmother of several, mother to two girls and although she practices her faith everyday, she always has her worries. She remembers the war and how she was displaced, the struggles she went through just to feed her family and help provide a roof over their heads.
Her children and grandchildren today have life so much different but that doesn't stop her worries about their futures.
She fills her days with hobbies and her nights with worries.
More than anything she loves her walks to the park where she meets other ladies for a few hours of chit chat and then back home to work in her garden. Her favorite time of the year is autumn.
Winter time can find her inside playing on her piano or working on her scrapbook. She also enjoys crocheting and is always working on projects for her church's charities. She is a kind woman, quick to anger though, but also quick to extend forgiveness to others.
Her name is Mimosa but her family calls her affectionately, Mama Mims