Tea and Cake

I was in bed for most of the day yesterday. We’d had an incredibly hard and busy shift Saturday night and so I slept heavily and long, despite being woken by the dogs baying at someone at the door in the afternoon. My visitor was Nick from the TCA who dropped off some of the Coronation cake made by bouncy Bridget . I missed his knock but soon spied a parcel of cake wrapped in silver paper plonked on top of my wall basket.
It was bloody lovely too with a hot cup of tea.
But I was soon snoring away the rest of the afternoon so missed any post-mortem from the Coronation afternoon tea which looked impressive on line and which probably  tasted even better in the flesh

The Eurovision night next Saturday will be a much bawdier affair me thinks.
Me hopes so.
So, Trelawnyd life plods along at its own pace. King Charles has his crown and I suspect he shouts and  laughs with Camilla loudly and long.
Eurovision is the next altar to pray at. Then it’s summer 


from Going Gently https://ift.tt/Hye7RXq


Up in our attic I found this booklet that was issued to all British households by our government in May 1980 - forty three years ago. It was meant to be a practical guide - telling us  what to do in the event of a nuclear attack.

We were advised how to build nuclear fall-0ut shelters in our homes using tables, doors and cushions or how to make them in our cellars or under the stairs. The importance of sanitation arrangements was stressed as well making sure we had plenty of water.

In those days there was  genuine fear in western Europe that the pesky and unpredictable Russians could launch a nuclear attack at any time and on the thinnest of pretexts. We were walking on a knife edge and didn't know for sure if there would even be a tomorrow.

Facing the prospect of a nuclear war seemed a bit like planning for a boy scouts' expedition:-
Having read and digested the booklet, we were meant to go through the check list, confirming in our minds  that we were ready for Armageddon:-
I don't know if anybody actually prepared fallout rooms with inner refuges back in the early eighties. We certainly didn't and I also have no idea whether or not Russian citizens were also preparing for the nuclear nightmare. Thoughts of such a scenario seem to have dissipated through the decades but even in the last twelve months  the idea of terrible  nuclear bombs has returned in connection with The Ukraine War and the crazy tyrant who is Russia's political leader.

Also in the attic I found my old autograph book. I haven't reopened it yet. I will do that in tomorrow's blogpost - assuming of course that the Russians have still not attacked.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/Puj12YS


 The completion of PT was Friday. Three months. 

In those three months, I learned several truths

I like to sweat. It feels like accomplishment. 

Once I start, I feel fierce

My body is a beast. It takes a beating, and keeps going. 

Discipline is key

My mental health improves with each move

from R's rue https://ift.tt/9t70sJV