Favorite summer movie?
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Favorite summer food and drink?
from R's rue https://ift.tt/qJj2Zmh
Finding contentment
In the rat race
That shows
The glimmer and glitz
The show
That looks
So alluring
That chasing it
Seems the road
To take
Until you realize
The path taken
Led to more
Because the world
Stopped caring
About every move
The truth is
Never brought
Anything but heartache
Manifesting itself
Inhaling processed sugar
Faster than Olympic sprinters
Dreaming of a day
Snapping peas
With the next door neighbor
As she shares her
Well earned wisdom
With this young
Fame fades
A poor substitute
For love
And youth
Goes faster
Than the dollar
Spent at
The grocery store
Going out to smell
The lone red rose
As I meander
Down the gravel drive
Losing myself
In the music
Of Sir Paul