The apathy of yesterday’s hangover has got on my tits this morning.
I looked for a diversion and saw there was a play on this afternoon at Theatre Clwyd with the occasional tickets left.
But I was good and gave myself a kick up the arse instead
The kitchen was feeling like a bomb site what with piles of papers, and other such detritus flung everywhere so I rolled up my sleeves and channelled my own inner Joan Crawford in order to take back control.
Cleaning and organising are like dieting, it’s a control thing and I’m thinking that right now in our history, there couldn’t be a better time for us all to be taking control over as much as we can.
Roger has enjoyed the momentum as he has had the opportunity to look into the back of cupboards he’s only dreamed about raiding in the past.
Already I have found his secret stash in the garden where he has hidden, an out of date packet of pasta shells, a burnt wooden spoon, a vegetable bag and a sprouting onion .
A walking group have stopped by the corner of the lane and the leaders are spouting all sorts of information I gave them earlier in the week about the history of the cottage.
“ He has a lovely honeysuckle over the front door “ I heard one woman comment
But another butted in with a more pithy “ Yes but his windows are in need a good clean “,…cheeky cow
That’s another thing on my list today.
Post clean photos
I’m buggered
Off for a tiny lie down
from Going Gently