Wow, I've been away from sketching for awhile now and here I thought August would be filled with portraits - which didn't and won't happen. 

It's hard to stay inside and sketch when there are walks to be had and trails to hike. 

So I decided to just sketch something and make a mess of it but I'm posting anyway, just to say hello.

I came upon this saying by Mary Oliver that I thought was really cool.

“Ten times a day something happens to me like this - some strengthening throb of amazement - some good sweet empathic ping and swell. This is the first, the wildest and the wisest thing I know: that the soul exists and is built entirely out of attentiveness.”
― Mary Oliver

This sketch - seems to want a name.  Windswept will do.

  How has your summer been?  Mine seems to have gone so fast and here in the mountains we will experience fall sooner than other places in So Cal.  I definitely am looking forward to that.  I know from sister news that the central coast has been unseasonably cool, foggy and beautiful.  Only a few more months and I'll be there - because November will be here before we know it.