But a new question! I came across this painting I did back in 2013 or 14.... and all of a sudden I realized I haven't seen this blue vase since then.
It isn't really a vase - it is a candle holder - you lift the top of it and place a tea light in it and place the top back over it and well it looks so pretty lit at night. i placed fake flowers in it one time to use as a prompt for painting and realized I have no idea where this candle holder is.
Do things disappear in your house never to be seen again? They often do in mine. My sunglasses which I had ordered on line two years ago from Amazon, went missing and there is no possible way I could have lost them because I know every step I took the day I lost them. I recreated it and they never showed up. So finally i had to order new ones. I get magnified sunglasses full size not bifocal and they are not easy to find in stores so I found a place to get some nice ones for a good price however, looking for them, I spent a week off and on every day searching and re-searching the house.
Anyway - I also thought when I saw this that it's time to pull my paints out and actually do something on paper instead of just pen and pencil and using digital paint to color it in. I think it's time to try my acrylics again.
I realize in the painting i made this blue flower candle holder into a vase - and it really isn't. I need to find this again. And that means - I will waste approximately two hours a day looking until i find it - I get compulsive about things so I really hope i find it soon. Life will be paused until this happens ... seriously it will.
It isn't really a vase - it is a candle holder - you lift the top of it and place a tea light in it and place the top back over it and well it looks so pretty lit at night. i placed fake flowers in it one time to use as a prompt for painting and realized I have no idea where this candle holder is.
Do things disappear in your house never to be seen again? They often do in mine. My sunglasses which I had ordered on line two years ago from Amazon, went missing and there is no possible way I could have lost them because I know every step I took the day I lost them. I recreated it and they never showed up. So finally i had to order new ones. I get magnified sunglasses full size not bifocal and they are not easy to find in stores so I found a place to get some nice ones for a good price however, looking for them, I spent a week off and on every day searching and re-searching the house.
Anyway - I also thought when I saw this that it's time to pull my paints out and actually do something on paper instead of just pen and pencil and using digital paint to color it in. I think it's time to try my acrylics again.
I realize in the painting i made this blue flower candle holder into a vase - and it really isn't. I need to find this again. And that means - I will waste approximately two hours a day looking until i find it - I get compulsive about things so I really hope i find it soon. Life will be paused until this happens ... seriously it will.