
Cigarette smoking is a horrible, smelly and unhealthy habit. I am glad to note  that this vile pastime has declined markedly since I was a lad. However, what were the British government and its agencies thinking of between 2007 and 2009 when they more or less gave a big thumbs up to the vaping industry? Naively, they seemed to think that vaping would be a useful aid to wean people off cigarette smoking.

It is as if they never imagined what might happen. Vulture-like businesses and entrepreneurs spotted a way of making money through manufacturing and selling vaping products. Now there are vape shops all over the country and thousands of young people and schoolchildren are hooked on their favourite vapes. In 2021, the vaping industry in Great Britain was said to be worth £1.3 billion.  Worldwide in 2023 it is estimated to be worth $28.7 billion or £22.8 billion.

Those who gave vaping the green light did not set up proper controls to monitor the safety of  vape products. Though our pubs are now free from cigarette smoke, occasionally one might have to suffer the sickly smell of vape smoke when a user exhales at the bar. I have no idea what is in that vapour and I guess the user is largely ignorant too. All I know is that I do want any of it in my lungs thank you very much

Vape comes in plenty of different flavours from bubble gum to watermelon and from American red tobacco to absinthe. I very much doubt that the vape profiteers give a damn about what might be happening to young people's lungs with excessive use.

Another thing that riles me about vaping is all the plastic and the batteries etcetera that are part and parcel of  this parasitic and opportunist industry. Aren't we meant to be saving this planet?

We should be encouraging young people to enjoy inhaling fresh air and not wasting their money on vaping which seems to be just as hard to break away from as cigarette smoking has always been. Mind you, we should not blame the users too much because it is the so-called "authorities" who opened the door to vaping - foolishly seeing it as an easy way of leaving tobacco behind. What idiots they were.

What are your thoughts on vaping?

from Yorkshire Pudding



What would I like

God you know

What it is

I want

And only You 

Can deliver

I want material things

But those

Don’t bring

Lasting fulfillment

Only You

Only You

Can make

My heart

Find pleasure

In living

And making

The world

Around me

An inviting place

For sinner

And saint

from R's rue



Every new procedure brings new promise. A promise of hope. I’ve been living on a diet of promised hope for months. As I was told yesterday, and praised for being a model patient, it doesn’t get easier if your mindset doesn’t. I had liquid gold put in my adductors yesterday, and I just have to believe it will work. I didn’t literally have liquid gold injected, don’t worry. I’m just keeping some things private. I must say what could work for me, may not work for you. Today, I’m tired, yet grateful. I’m realizing I’m different. That is okay with me. It will take a week to reach its efficacy in my body. Right now, I’m waiting. 


Help me wait

In whatever way

You see fit

from R's rue