Today’s mood stemmed from a text I received from my friend Faisal who left for South Africa this morning
It was polite as Faisal always is and the message thanked me for my “friendship” and “ guidance” and “patience”.
I’m not known for my patience, that comment surprised me.
Faisal is gay, but apart from turning up at our gay book club a few months ago ,never really admitted he was to my face, having said that he spent much of our conversations talking about and asking questions of my gayness. Something I let him do because it was obvious easier for him to do so.
We only met four times
He has now left the uk for an asexual if not “straight” lifestyle in rural South Africa with his parents and siblings .
He is expecting an “ organised “ marriage too at some stage, and. made a point of telling me that marriages were more organised than arranged in his family
I missed the difference.
He’s in his forties, and his family have reeled him back home again
And as I hugged him goodbye I kissed him on the cheek and felt incredibly , incredibly sad I didn’t have him here for longer
from Going Gently