
Another lovely autumn day. There was a light frost last night but I didn't see this morning's evidence on the car windscreens as I was lying abed listening to the BBC Radio 4 morning news show - "Today". I stumbled downstairs at 9am for my customary pint of tea and a bowl of breakfast cereal.

Two hours later I showered, got dressed and was ready to roll out for a long walk. I didn't want to drive far so I headed for the Rails Road public car park in the Rivelin Valley. I have been there to start walks several times before and, just for example, previously blogged about one of them here.

Above - images from my walk by The River Rivelin. As you can see, sunshine made it all rather magical. I walked for two and a half hours. After the Rivelin Valley Road Bridge, I veered up the valley side to Hagg Lane and just before I reached its very end I saw this young woman approaching with her two horses.

I asked if I could take her picture and she kindly obliged. It's likely that she loves her two horses more than anything. She was taking them back to their stable.

Then it was back down to the river, tumbling as nearly all rivers do towards the sea. This time I was walking south of the Rivelin and not north as I had done on my way out. Soon I was back at Clint ready for the fifteen minute drive home. The top picture shows a sign I spotted on the car park noticeboard.

I was very glad that I had chosen to venture out today  and pleased that the plantar fasciitis did not interfere with my pleasure. Since I admitted to myself that that is the problem, I have occasionally  performed recommended exercises - including rolling a ball under my left foot for several minutes at a time. It appears to be working.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/vWFSAX9


 Things are returning to normal here. What has not returned to normal is me. Therapy is ongoing, but folks, it takes time. I don’t know what is happening, but I’m coming up for air slowly. Gratitude and grief mix in a beautiful serenade. I hardened my heart, but it’s being softened again. Just because the world is cruel or unfair doesn’t give me permission to do the same. As one of you had to remind me, I no longer hide my pain, but others do by projecting joy to the outside world. And that is their choice. 

On behalf of myself, I thank you for being a sounding board. A safe place. The true measure of wealth is receiving love when nothing of value can be returned. 

I will recover. It’s just not on my timetable. I love you. 

from R's rue https://ift.tt/nbRledh


The unknown
Where I reside
Is not a place
To fear
But find strength 
Within the confines
Of my knowledge 
Where it starts
Growing in
Tough conditions 
And refined
In fiery reminders

from R's rue https://ift.tt/izKJpjg