
Thank goodness for Zoom
The app is doing mighty fine in this time of isolation
Even in this tiny part of Wales
Tonight my family got together for a simple quiz
Nothing showy
Nothing flash
A child reading the questions out
A funny wisecracking nephew
A surprise of a decorated toilet roll as first prize!!
It was lovely
I love my family

Yesterday the Choir met and sang a much loved African song about a hypochondriac !
We clapped and sang and as always it was a bunfight of noise and chatter and giggles about silly things, brief personal news and of course of   Lindi's Charlie
( Charlie is in fact a dog!) 
I love my choir 

Speaking of dogs Hattie called around for some more  "Mary Time" today
I feel this could be the start of a new business venture

A Dog For All Seasons

I got up in a right grump this morning
I had florid dreams about a whole new cast of The Walking Dead and how they were fighting in a brave new world.
Covid related no doubt.
Last night I wasted too many hours of TikTok videos .
It's a new phenomenom to me.
Entertaining but vapid
I feel somewhat unsatisfied today

And so I've kept busy. The little yellow chair in my little yellow living room was marked and needed a shampoo. I had covered it but Mary's in season spotting had found its target and it was bloodstained
In a divorce you don't get maintainance for the pets!
And any spare money has had to be put towards solicitors' fees rather than spent on a bitch's hysterectomy which is something not covered by insurances, so it has taken me months to put aside a few hundred pounds towards the operation costs, an operation booked for the beginning of this month.

After washing the upholstery I spent a satisfying hour cutting Mary's hair on the garden wall.
Great lumps of Black and Tan fur wafted up the lane like miniature tumbleweeds only to be snapped up by the wood pidgeons and hedge sparrows who are busy nesting in the Churchyard .

Dogs hate having their hair cut.

I always think that they look guilty or shamed

Apparantly the Church bell's mechanism is stuck fast , so there will be no ringing of it tomorrow evening unless it can be freed up. A couple of the villagers are looking into the borrowing of a long ladder.

I've cleaned the car, made bread and after my sister dropped off some sweat pea seedlings, and bedding plants did some gardening with the cottage windows wide open in order to hear the dulcet tones of Paul Schofield in A Man For All Seasons running on Sony classics

Flowers in the kitchen window 

And facing the sun I. The living room 

Family Quiz on Zoom tonight