"I spy with my little OWL eye - a Warbler.

My Beanie was watching me sketch today and she was really interested when she saw it was a bird. This is a pen and colored pencil sketch done today.

My bedroom is above looking down at the backyard and often when the birds come around if I'm inside I can stand at my window and take photos of them.  I will eventually... since I still have 11 more months to go for my daily sketch (OMG what did I get myself into).....  Sketch quite a few birds.

Hope your week unfolds in interesting but good ways!  I always sit on my bed to do my sketching.  I have everything I need which is just pen, pencils and colored pencils on my nightstand to create my sketches (and laptop).  I worked at a desk for 30 years and now I can't stand to sit at one and draw.

Beanie likes that she can sit on my legs while I'm sketching.  I figured out soon after I got her that she doesn't necessarily care if I'm around or not - just that she can find something warm to sit on - it could be anything.