Memories of Postal Orders

 I’d organised my revalidation paperwork yesterday and will complete my reflective essays when I’m on nights at the weekend, so there was not excuse to sit at my desk today. 
I took the dogs to my favourite bit of promenade where we walked for miles…. an amble broken by a large Americano at the Horizon cafe for me and a shared sausage butty for them.
There was a light rain which was refreshing 
It felt warm.
In the silence of a long walk, I remembered arbitrary memories, like you do when your mind wanders in croc squeaked steps.  

When I was a boy I collected film stills. 8x10 black and white film stills bought for around about a pound each ( without posting) from the British Film Institute . The institute was located at 81 Dean Street in London.
And London felt a million miles away.

As a child, I could only pay for my purchases with a postal order, a green one with extra stamps for postage. I haven’t seen one for years.

Once in every two or three weeks a single photo would arrive in a neat cardboard backed envelope marked with a stamped do not bend instruction on the upper left hand corner.
My name and address would always be formally typed and because of its size the postman would leave the package neatly behind the milk bottles, milk bottles that would be stripped of their red foil tiles by the blue tits in the garden. 
Those envelopes , were exciting and important 
And they put me into the habit of loving post of all kinds,
A love that remains with me to this day.
Funny what you remember when your mind wanders into mindfulness 
In my case today
It was of 1970s postal orders, photographs of disaster movie stars, and a strange and unchanging love of letters through the post

Trying for a beach selfie , I only caught Dorothy’s strange fixation with me  

from Going Gently


Like most people of my generation, I have never received any lessons in how to use a computer. Everything I know I found out simply by using computers. In other words, I have taught myself.

My computer interface is kindly provided by Microsoft. I am presently writing this courtesy of Windows 10. Worldwide, 77% of computer users use Windows. The number of Apple users tarries far behind - probably because of the extra cost factor. 

The helpful advice I am about to provide is aimed squarely at Windows users. Apple folk may want to look away now. In addition, I recognise that many Windows users will already be aware of the facility I am about to explain.

Please look to the top right hand corner of your screen. You should see something very like this which is a snip of my own screen:-

Click on those dots and a grey dropdown menu should appear. The tenth item on  the list will be "Find...". This is a photo of my own screen:-

Click on "Find..." and then a search box will appear:-

I was on a BBC news item about Hurricane Elsa  which is currently making its way to northern Florida. Just to illustrate this "Find" facility I decided to search the text for "Elsa". The instantaneous search told me that the word "Elsa" appeared seven times in the article with the first appearance already being highlighted in the headline. Here's a snip of some more of that item with "Elsa" highlighted by the computer:-

Now let's suppose you were investigating a long academic article but all you want to know is - has the writer referred to sulphuric acid? You can just call up the "Find..." facility, type "sulphuric acid" into the search box and the computer locates the chemical name where ever it has appeared. There have been many occasions when I have found this "Find..." facility very useful and there may be times when you can also discover its usefulness. Apologies to more advance users such as a certain female resident of Ludwigsburg, Germany.

I expect that there will be an equivalent facility within Apple systems but to me that is all as mysterious as the Mariana Trench.

from Yorkshire Pudding


 Juicy peach

Running down

My chin

Licking my lips

Not minding

The mess

I’ve made

from R's rue