Freya & Mary

 The problem with always being busy is that sometimes when you stop, you can come down, just a little,  with a bump. 
I was feeling like that this evening, feeling I wanted to do something but at the same time feeling tired and sore 
Then the above photo was sent to me .
It was from Hattie .
Of her daughter Freya with the toy of  Mary I had given her when she was born  

It’s made my day.

from Going Gently


I haven't been on holiday for a while so this afternoon I took a flight to The States courtesy of Google Streetview Airways. I decided to visit the very centre of the forty eight contiguous states which took me to a small town called Lebanon in the northwest of Kansas. Just north of the town you find the stone monument shown in the top picture. It marks the very heart of America.

Lebanon's population has been dropping every decade from 822 in 1920 down to 178 in 2020. This reflects the progress of agricultural methods that require less human labour than ever before. Lebanon knows poverty well for 22% of the population live below the official poverty line.
Methodist Church in Lebanon

Google Streetview allowed me to cruise around the town. It appears very spacious as many towns do in Middle America. Even poor people live in detached homes, some distance from their neighbours. Very different from Europe where there are generally far more people in every square mile. In Smith County, Kansas where Lebanon is located, the population density is only 4.1 people per square mile.
Grain silos in Lebanon

Rundown house on the edge of town

The People's Bank on Main Street, Lebanon

The surrounding countryside is devoted to arable farming - huge swathes of prairie farmland that stretch out for miles. Mostly they grow grain and corn on vast corporate farms. The time of the small, independent farmer is mostly historical. Below, Highway 281 leads north towards the monument shown in the first picture

As I have said before  in the pages of this humble Yorkshire blog, I am an unashamed Americophile  in spite of Trump and The Grand Old Party and guns and crystal meth and KFC and other stuff like that. In the past, I often fantasised about living there in some faraway place like Lebanon. Just out of interest I wondered what kind of home I could buy in Smith County, Kansas if we sold up our house for around £420,000 or $560,000 (US).

I discovered that we could buy the best house currently for sale in the county. It is in nearby Smith Center a few miles west of Lebanon. It boasts five bedrooms and five bathrooms, hardwood floors, a huge double garage, spacious garden surrounds and a small guest house too. It would cost us just $350,000 so we would still have $210,000 left over to spend on burgers, milkshakes, guns and whatever else Kansas folk require for contentment.

from Yorkshire Pudding


 Saturday’s questions

What is your favorite vacation? Domestic and international

What is your latest order?

What is your latest find?

Favorite charity?

Favorite authors?

My answers

Newport RI and Assisi Italy


Weetabix. I’m hooked

World Central Kitchen and Nova Ukraine

Jennifer Loy and Jenny Proctor

Your turn

from R's rue

Effin Knackered

 This morning I helped with a new Community project.
On a small plot of land on the east boundary of the village a small orchard of fruit trees have been planted.
Apple, cherry, pear and plum trees, ten of them all told have been planted and staked this morning, the fruit from which can be utilised by any of the village population .
It’s a lovely idea.
But I must admit Laurie ( from Well street) and I were effing knackered by the end of it.

from Going Gently