

I went to Chester today to see Minari at the Storyhouse
A quiet study of second generation Korean family in American was a lovely choice of my first cinema trip
A man sat alone in the row in front  of me waved at the audience behind him as he got comfortable and cheerfully shouted out “ Hello all.......isn’t this BLOODY  fabulous ? “ 
We all murmured our agreement from behind our masks
And then there was a small smattering of applause..........

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3tQ36Zv





Your blessings 

from R's rue https://ift.tt/3btaW4M


After the FA Cup Final in London on Saturday, two Leicester City players
 displayed the flag of Palestine in a brave gesture of solidarity

Last week, as the BBC were covering the current deadly friction between Palestinians and Israel, they spoke to an Israeli citizen whose town had been hit by a couple of rockets. Shockingly, he suggested that it was time for his government's forces to "obliterate" Gaza, to "wipe it out".

But that is not the solution. The kettled Palestinians of Gaza and their compatriots within Israel and around the world have every right to exist, to dream of freedom, to dream of Palestine.

It's an awful, seemingly intractable conflict that goes on and on. Who would want to be in Gaza right now? The Israeli military are bringing down tower blocks under the pretext that they are occupied by "Hamas terrorists". How do they know this and what of the "collateral damage"?  The mothers and the children, the old and the innocent?

Looking back through "Yorkshire Pudding", I see that I have thought of Gaza before. Here's a 2009 post  and here's a post from 2014 and here's another from 2018. The tale of woe goes on and on and you wonder if there can ever be a solution. Not all puzzles can be unravelled.  Perhaps it will always be like this - peaks and troughs in a never-ending cycle of calm and anger, life and death.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/3yezWqd