“Gwnewch y pethau bychain”



The one thing I’ve always liked about the Patron Saint Of Wales is that he instructed his followers to “ do the little things” ( Gwnewch Y Pethau Bychain” that you have seen me do! 
To him it was the small kindnesses that we show each other that were important 
Please remember that when you are wearing your daffodil to work..

Yesterday ....not only did I partake in a three hour zoom lecture, I also made my own pasta from scratch. 
Inspired by the recent Celebrity Masterchef I drummed up a small plate of Spinach & Ricotta Ravioli with a herb butter and Parmesan in only 2 hours!!
Two hours!
The kitchen looked like an explosion in Sophia Loren’s villa by the time I had finished
And this was what I had to show for the entire fucking afternoon 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/2NPh3Yr


View to Abney Low and Abney Barn

What a gorgeous day Sunday February 28th was in this corner of Planet Earth. After breakfast and a shower, I commanded Clint to take me to the village of Grindleford. Then we ascended Sir William Hill and he parked himself four hundred yards short of the telecommunications mast.

I had planned a leisurely three  mile  walk in the early spring sunshine - giving me plenty of time to get home to prepare our Sunday dinner. It was so pleasant up on Eyam Moor that it was not long before I  started to regret wearing my big coat.

View from Eyam Moor to  Higger Tor

On my way to Grindleford, I had observed many cars parked in the north Derbyshire countryside. Hundreds of people were out and about enjoying the lovely day - walking, cycling, rock climbing. If the COVID police had arrested them all they could have filled a football stadium with miscreants.

Sir William Hill telecommunications mast and an old grouse butt

British government guidance says that we should only exercise "locally" but what does that mean? Clarification has suggested that "local" means your village, town or urban neighbourhood. If that really is the case, then no cars at all should be parked out in the countryside. The "law" is being disregarded so widely that it is in effect unenforceable. Meanwhile, PM Johnson whizzes up and down the country visiting hospitals, laboratories, factories and schools to garner as many photo-opportunities as possible. He also greets strangers with elbow pumps thereby breaking the two metre rule.

This is a mad world. It's vital to get out for exercise and what can be better than a healthful walk in the countryside?

View to Win Hill from Eyam Moor

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/3sG5RMN

Back To University


My film studies lecture starts in a few minutes
Three hours of “ The Wind in film” 
I’ve impressed myself by setting up my wireless keyboard and with the obligatory bucket of coffee I am about to christen my first very home office all of my own.
I did have a lovely Victorian desk but that went with the ex husband in order for me to keep the grandfather clock. 
They cost similar amounts but I loved the clock more.
I like to be surrounded by things that please me and the desk does this. 
A delicate vase with miniature yellow fish on it is filled with pencils and pens, an old framed photo of Finlay, my Filofax bible covered in birds, an indoor primula and a pot of tiny yellow narcissi, a trendy toast rack doubling as a letter holder. A puffin....a gift from an unknown blog reader....
I am all set! 

Let’s hope I don’t cough and fart at the same time this morning like I did last week.
The green light went on around my box , indicating to all who was responsible. 
Thank goodness the tutor merely whispered an ironic  “ How apt” given the title of the lecture

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3kvg3EK