Gran Fry

I was reading The Lost Language Of Cranes By David Leavitt with my feet in the sun which created a rectangle of gold on the new carpet framed by little square living room window

The cottages faces south and by 1pm the stone front has become quite warm after the autumn chill of last night.
I must of fallen asleep, just for a moment 
But as my eyes opened and head jerked back slightly the room was suddenly filled with the scent of cold cream and talcum powder.
It was intense and almost overwhelming 
and it was if my grandmother has just bustled past,
Her big arms filled with laundry 
Her face wide from smiling 
A broad plain blue dress with short sleeves and an apron

She’s been gone some thirty seven years now
And just occasionally 

I miss her so 

from Going Gently



it's me

you know


the girl

with so many



they're more fun

or so it seems

answers are boring

or hard to accept

i think i just

had a revelation


i don't like

the answers 

you give

to my queries

that's why

i keep asking

i may 

be human

after all

from R's rue

Ode to Trader Joe’s

 Dreaming of 

A day 

With pleasure of 

Grocery shopping 

In Trader Joe’s 

Without a care in the world 

from R's rue


Over here in Merrie Olde England, it is National Poetry Day. Why we need a single National Poetry Day has always been unclear to me because from my perspective there should be three hundred and sixty five national poetry days each year. Be glad for the poetry has no ending.

I guess it's about raising the profile of poetry - putting it in the spotlight here at the beginning of October which I have always found to be one of the more fertile months for poetic expression. Leaves fall in October - at least here in the northern hemisphere they do. Days shorten. Birds fly away. Sometimes the light outside is pure gold. These things are  inspirational for poets and would-be poets alike.

I will write a poem today. I have already chosen its title: "In The Time of Corona". That is a deliberate echo of "Love in The Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez which I read last year..

The task may change but at the moment I want to make a poem that is set at some future time, as if looking back upon this pandemic to enlighten our descendants. We  ourselves are largely ignorant about living through scarlet fever and typhoid epidemics and what do we really know of cholera? But this strange COVID thing, we have co-existed with it for months now and there are more months to come. It is part of our experience of life.

It is invisible but it is amongst us. We have felt the apprehension, the confusion, the melancholy that it has brought with it. Sweeping around the globe. Stalking the landscape like a mythical beast.. 

Yes. I shall write a poem for National Poetry Day but I haven't written it yet. The teabag is simply swirling in the water. Soon I will be out walking again just because it is a lovely morning. Hopefully, the steps I plod will aid creation. Watch this            space.

from Yorkshire Pudding