The Sheffield Peace Garden waterways
I met my friend John for breakfast this morning
He turned up complete with pinky blinder hat, blazer and with hips like a snake
He has been living with a rare form of cancer and looks fabulous darling
He tickles me as I always feel as though I’ve had an audience with Joan Crawford after I have seen him.
We all need friends like John.
Arch, and without a trace of self pity he has been an inspiration to everyone when it comes with living with cancer
“ I’m not frightened of dying” he said munching on a sausage in Brown’s Cafe this morning and I suddenly had the urge to kiss him on the forehead
I’m proud of him, I suddenly realised , proud of his sassy strength and chutzpah
Jane reminds me of Helen Hunt in the movie As Good As It Gets.
She has warmth in bucketloads and is a free spirt locked away by Covid and circumstances and we are going to Rome together as soon as things are more normal
She interrupted breakfast briefly by insisting to pay for her part in last night’s excesses in All Bar One. In the envelope of money was a hand crafted embroidered heart
Mike is the placid one.
He is pleased with simple things and a simple life and has changed little over the thirty odd years I have known him.
He bought a 600$ jacket from New York twenty years ago and never wears it Out
Three people
All met by chance one day long ago
And all three as necessary to me as breathing .