France prides itself on being a secular state and apparently that is why it brought in regulations to outlaw the wearing of religious garb in public places including schools and universities.
In France, the prohibition on Muslim women from wearing any form of religious headgear extends far beyond the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Bans on hijabs are in place in several sports including football, basketball and volleyball, at both professional and amateur levels.
Around 10% of French citizens describe themselves as "Muslim" which is around 5.7 million people. As with Muslims in Great Britain, there appears to have been a fashion trend in France whereby an increasing number of men and women seek to opt for the kind of conservative clothing that is widespread in Islamic states.
As I have indicated in this blog before, I actively scorn all types of religion so I think I am in a good position to point out that for centuries, French nuns have worn wimples that are similar to hijabs in that they partly conceal the wearer's vanity and impose a certain god-fearing modesty.
In my way of thinking, if the authorities choose to ban the hijab then they should also ban the wimple. It is a symbol of the Catholic faith just as the hijab and the abaya are symbols of Islam. As I see it, it is utterly hypocritical to ban one but not the other.
from Yorkshire Pudding