Some people don’t get that Going Gently is a journal as well as being a blog.
A Jourog or Blognal
Call it what you wish.
As a journal I often share personal feelings and thoughts predominantly ( but not always) about my own life. Something that often elicits comments of support and sympathy but also of advice and criticism.
This, is perhaps to be expected I guess, even if questions are seldom put out for the audience to give their thruppenny bits at.
What most people don’t get is that Blognals are cathartic pieces really. They are there purely to process feelings and thoughts and events and are not really there to illicit comments
This is certainly true when it comes to sympathy
As it may seem to some that blogging is really about.
Attention seeking.
Now I’m going to shoot myself in the foot here , as of course blognaling is all about attention seeking. But it really is about attention seeking in the right way.
I don’t want to hear that I’m a lovely person, or a saint or fucking Mother Theresa without the tea towel but I do like to hear that I’ve written something interesting , or well , or which has moved someone or made them laugh.
I want one without the other
And that isn’t how the internet works.
I get that.
I know of bloggers who are more economical with self disclosure for the very reasons I’ve outlined above.
Others have always been careful with what they post.
I am not. If I feel it, or I need to process it, I write it and obviously do from one perspective
Who knows if there is a right or wrong way of doing things.
The internet allows for people to react to the written word in a way that they would never do to anyone’s spoken ones.
It also allows people to withhold sympathy (when it is perhaps needed) in the perception that you’ve had too much on line…..this is intriguing, as it would never happen in real life
…..but that, as they say, is another story
from Going Gently