Today's post is mostly just some photos that I snapped in 2006, a year after I had purchased my first digital camera. Back then, Tony Blair was still Great Britain's prime minister and George W. Bush was the President of the USA. enjoying a surprising second term.

In June, Shirley had a bunch of nursing colleagues round for a birthday get together. I am not sure who's birthday it was. That's Shirley on the right in the jeans and grey T-shirt.
That August our Ian was twenty two years old, posing here with his then seventeen year old sister. As I recall, he was quite hung over from the night before:-
And in the same month I visited the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp just north of Berlin.Terrible experiments on dead or living human beings took place in this unnerving  operating theatre cum mortuary:-

In April we were visited by my old American friend Chris from Canfield, Ohio. He had never been to Europe before. It was so good to see him - like meeting up with a long lost brother.

Shirley and I stayed in Venice for three days in October. The water in the lagoon was high and St Mark's Square was flooded but it was still a great visit. We stayed in a lovely little hotel away from the main canals and thoroughfares. That's Wally (American: Waldo) on the gondola:-
We visited Kalkan in Turkey in August:-

At Eastertime, Shirley and I had a few days on the island of Jersey:-
In June, my niece Katie was married in western Ireland. Here she is the night before her wedding playing with her father, my late brother Paul who was a virtuoso on the Irish fiddle:-

Oh and I almost forgot. That year I had also visited Madrid and Toledo back in February:-

Section of "The Garden of Earthy Delights" by Hieronymus Bosch  in The Prada, Madrid

I covered a lot of miles in 2006.. So many experiences. It was a damned good year. Thanks for digital images that have reminded me of it all. And now almost fifteen extra years have slipped  by - like sand through my fingers...

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/3x51aOr


 Some questions

What’s for breakfast?

Last book you read?

What are you watching?

Where did you go to college?

What is your favorite hobby?

from R's rue https://ift.tt/3kUBQYI

Bloody Hell!

 Mave was right in his comment of yesterday
“ Rough” was exactly how I looked.
I looked rough because I was ill. 
Two long days on shifts on the hottest days of the year prior to almost two days walking around London had left me dehydrated. 
In the bustle of work and pleasure I had forgotten to drink and by Borough Market , I felt my lifelong nemesis, a rip roaring urine infection, set in. 
By the time I got back to my hotel to change for Nu’s get together I was passing blood and was shaky.
I am susceptible  to urine infections , for reasons I don’t need to go into here and I was angry at myself for the fuck up but I knew all I could do was to hole up in my hotel room and drink gallons of water .
So that’s what I’ve done, with around three hours sleep. 
An irritating end to a lovely couple of days and I’m feeling sorry for myself 
It always seems that I’ve pulled myself up by my bra straps only to come  crashing down in some sort of physical or mental jacuzzi ….
I missed Nu’s party and today I will miss a mutually flirty soho lunch and cinema at the Curzon  with my friend Alex which was a let down but the only thing I need now is to rehydrate, and take some prophylactic antibiotics I have at home 
….And rest
Hey fucking ho

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3BGV8H1