
In my life, I have been fortunate enough to visit fifty of the countries on this planet. In total, there are 195 countries which do not include either The Vatican City or The State of Palestine. As it happens, I have visited the former but not the latter.

I am sure that there will be one or two visitors to this blog who have been to more countries than me but fifty is a pretty good score I think if indeed this is a scoring matter.

Every one of those countries has left me with memories and impressions that I cherish. I wouldn't like to say if there were "best" or "worst" countries on my personal checklist. They all had something good or interesting to offer.

If you kindly provided me with a wad of banknotes and told me that I could add three more countries to my list, the ones I would pick at this point in time are:-
(a) Bhutan
(b) Cuba
& (c) Tuvalu
I think I would have some memorable times in these three countries for different reasons. Other places I would love to go are Sumatra in Indonesia, Guyana in South America, Mauritius and Japan. I guess I am still greedy for travel. That appetite was stirred by my parents when I was a young lad.

If you were given an equivalent wad of money, which three countries in the world would you pick - places you have never been before? We can all dream.

from Yorkshire Pudding


 Watermelon seeds

An ode 

To warmth



Sweet memories

from R's rue


 Some questions for you

Best trip you’ve ever taken?

Favorite recipe?

Favorite book?

Quote that speaks to you?

Best job you’ve held?

from R's rue