
Ordinary people have little to no opportunity of evading the taxman. We are obliged to pay our dues. In any case, paying one's required taxes is surely part and parcel of being an honest citizen. Those roads, that hospital, those schools, that air force, those services - they all cost money and it is surely only right that we should each pay our fair share.

However, this kind of egalitarian thinking seems to be an anathema to a lot of seriously wealthy people. They appear to believe that it is their God-given right to bend the tax rules, to evade, to dodge, to sequester, to utilise tax havens. They walk a narrow line between lawfulness and illegality - often employing fancy lawyers and consultants to exploit loopholes. It is an unpleasant kind of social irresponsibility though some might simply call it selfishness or greed. Thank heavens not all wealthy people conduct their financial affairs in this reprehensible manner.

Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer is a fellow called Rishi Sunak - at least I think that is how his first name is spelt. It could easily be Richy given his personal wealth. In the last few weeks, it has transpired that Sunak and his wife have been using several devices to reduce their tax bills. It seems that an anonymous whistleblower has flagged up their connivance and Sunak is apparently furious about this. He has demanded an enquiry and got one!

I find this utterly flabbergasting. It's like a bank robber complaining about being grassed up by a police informer. Instead of getting all antsy about being found out, Sunak should be apologising to the nation and maybe doing the right thing by resigning from high office. Incidentally, yesterday he was issued with a fine by the London Metropolitan Police Service for attending at least one illegal party at Number 10 Downing Street during the height of COVID restrictions in the summer of 2020.

Until very recently, Sunak was being touted as our next prime minister after Johnson inevitably bites the dust. Given recent tax revelations, it now seems highly improbable that he will ever be allowed to rise to the top.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/lVdLbyB

A Sausage Apology

 No doubt I’m in store of some sort of internet backlash but I admit I locked the dogs inside the cottage by mistake this morning.
I only knew my mistake when I ventured a quick glance at my phone messages on my break at 11.30 am .
It was a earlier message from Trendy Carol I noticed first
“ I can’t get in ! “ it said plaintively 
I had double locked the back door 
The dogs are never left home alone more than four hours when I’m at work. Today they were left nearly fourteen.
I felt like a right heel 
Now if my mistake had occurred when Winnifred was alive, I would have faced a sulk worthy of Mariah Carey who had not been presented with her usual dressing room full of puppies and kittens but after being released from the cottage , Mary & Dorothy bounced forward like a pair of Bonnie Langfords on acid.
Ive just taken them for a long walk, then cleaned the kitchen of bodily fluids before treating both girls with the  nectar of the terriers 
Cheap, plastic looking hot dog sausages 
They adore them with a passion .
Even Winnie would have been won over if I had waved one Gayly in her direction ….

It’s been a busy day at work …but a productive one
I will be cutting my hours from 150 a month to 96 on the First of July

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/d4L3WJv

Thank you

 Lean in the blessing

Of unexpected joy

That prayers

Get answered

When relief

Is the aim

Not my vanity

from R's rue https://ift.tt/o02rnVb