"The Green House down the block with the Orange Trim" is where "she" lived.  A "she" like you had never met before.  One who could conjure up joy or drag you to hell....  One who would never see the inside of an institution designed to contain her insanity...  because - you cannot contain who ..."

Well that's enough for now...but there IS something in that green house.

I've been home from vacation up to Central California coast about a week but not really in the mood to blog much.  I finally made myself sketch this house that I had saved off of Tumblr awhile back.  I sketched it, color penciled it and then digitally added some paint and texture on it.  I was happy that I made myself do something and get back in the swing of things.

When I have been gone for several days I find it a little difficult getting back to my normal routines.  It's like I have to slowly let my "soul" (so to speak) flow energies to everything in the house to make it feel like mine again.  It's weird - don't quite know how to explain that. Sometimes it flows quickly and I'm settled back in within a day or two and other times it takes longer.

California got A LOT of rain over the last couple days - and we have a break today and then more coming probably tomorrow.

What plans do you have for the weekend?  Anything fun, creative, or are you trying a new receipe, going out to eat possibly or just staying home and enjoying relaxing...

IN ADDITION:  I saw this the other day on facebook and liked it.