
Renata Vanni centre

I do miss my cinema
Today is a nothing kind of day after night shift
So it would be common that  I would treat myself to an afternoon's film watching
The Storyhouse in Chester
Something thought provoking with a proper coffee accompaniment
I haven't been to the cinema in an age!!!

I've had to make due with Westward The Women on TCM which is Wagon train western crossed with Tenko.. 
The best performance was by Renata Vanni , who never spoke a word of English during the movie.
My tea is bit of chicken breast wrapped in salmon with sprigs of basil

I've cleaned the cottage ,washed sheets and hung them on the field gate to dry as Trendy Carol watched the dogs.
Tomorrow is my only day off with no work this week and I've earmarked the day for finishing the garden planting

The Great British Sewing Bee tonight I hope Claire and Mark stay in