Being that it's the middle of August already my thoughts go to fabulous Fall - and then of course what follows next.  i don't mean to jump ahead of myself on the timeline however, I was at my desk when I looked out and saw her.  I stood up and moved closer to the window to get a better look.   What the heck was I seeing?  I watched her paint snow on a tree.   This is the funniest thing I've seen in all my ...  years.  

I walked downstairs and called out to her.  She explained that all the "Frost Faes" were called to a meeting recently by Mother Earth.  She told them that they have been acting erratically for the past several years.   Due to the other elementals causing wicked fires and floods, plagues and locusts, this winter she wants all the Frost Faes to learn how to paint the trees in a calm sensitive way and lay off the ice.   She informed them that winter 2019 was way over the top and if they wanted to avoid  making  Mother mad to pull back on the ice and winds and just allow a fluffy white winter to settle over the forest.  Then, Fae said, she told us all to get our butts out into the forest and practice painting the trees with a more sensitive touch.

So there you have it.  I left her to do what her Mother requested and came back to my office to watch her work while settling in to wait for Fall which is only about a month away... but here in the mountains - oh yeah, those temps are gonna drop in awhile - at least night.  In the meantime I can look at all the fall leaves I saved from last autumn.  

Guilty Pleasures

They are not Theatre Tickets, or dog walker fees, or cinema seats or my obsession with policemen with beards ...all those are essential pleasures
Not guilty ones
No , my main guilty pleasure happens but once a month on average, and lasts an hour tops!
My guilty pleasure is a trip to Aldi for a mooch around the centre ( non food based) aisles
Tonight has brought some amazing treasures
They include

Sculpting clay
A set of bespoke pencils
A bag of pigs ears
A squidgy nightlight in the shape of a fat bear !!!??!!!!!??????
Hand gel
A pair of linen shorts
A pair of workman’s dungarees!!!!
2 bottles of white vinegar ( to clean off the polish from a 1940s bookcase)
A mini sander ( to carry on the preparation of the above)
A shiny tin lunch box
Lotion for cracked heels
A small succulent plant
Masking tape
Rainbow paper serviettes

Little treasures all!!!!