Guilty Pleasures

They are not Theatre Tickets, or dog walker fees, or cinema seats or my obsession with policemen with beards ...all those are essential pleasures
Not guilty ones
No , my main guilty pleasure happens but once a month on average, and lasts an hour tops!
My guilty pleasure is a trip to Aldi for a mooch around the centre ( non food based) aisles
Tonight has brought some amazing treasures
They include

Sculpting clay
A set of bespoke pencils
A bag of pigs ears
A squidgy nightlight in the shape of a fat bear !!!??!!!!!??????
Hand gel
A pair of linen shorts
A pair of workman’s dungarees!!!!
2 bottles of white vinegar ( to clean off the polish from a 1940s bookcase)
A mini sander ( to carry on the preparation of the above)
A shiny tin lunch box
Lotion for cracked heels
A small succulent plant
Masking tape
Rainbow paper serviettes

Little treasures all!!!!

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