
Office of  "The Montrail County Promoter" on Main Street

There's a small city in North Dakota called Stanley. You may not have heard of it but one visitor to this blog knows it well because it was where he was born and raised. Unlike Lebanon in Kansas, Stanley is a relatively prosperous place  with its population now gradually rising. Stanley is the principal  town in Mountrail County - named after Joseph Mountraille "a half breed mail carrier" who explored the region in the 1840's.

The brand new City Hall on Main Street

Significant oil reserves in the vicinity of Stanley are now being exploited which may explain its growing prosperity. However, 10% of the population live below the poverty line. Incidentally, 98.8% of Stanley's 2655 citizens describe themselves as "white".  This is pretty typical of small towns in The Mid West.

Google Streetview Airways transported me to Stanley this morning and I had a good look around but I hardly saw any people. It was like a ghost town but I did see one man nipping into an office building. The imagery had been gathered on a bright but cool afternoon last October.

Households in Stanley enjoy a lot of surrounding space and  on Main Street things look a lot healthier than in Lebanon KS. There are places to eat and drink and a good range of services.

Small house and church in Stanley

The main cities in North Dakota are Fargo (125,900) and Bismarck (73,622). Stanley is 280 miles from Fargo and 129 miles from Bismarck which is the state capital. In terms of population, North Dakota  is the 47th most populous state in the USA - beaten to the bottom prize by Alaska, Vermont and finally Wyoming.

As far as I know, nobody famous ever came out of Stanley apart from the blogger known as Catalyst - who now resides like a prickly cactus in the desert warmth of Arizona. However, local legend has it that Lee Harvey Oswald  lived in Stanley with his mother in the summer of 1953. He would have been thirteen years old at the time. The colourful rumours surrounding this mystery sojourn have proven impossible to verify.

A typical residential corner in Stanley

Stanley has a town website that operates out of the new City Hall building. The homepage welcomes visitors in this exact manner:-

"Stanley is a wonderful community with a charm that intertwines the traditions of our past with the progress of the future. Our aim is to make all citizens and visitors feel that they are part of and welcome in this community. If you are seeking a new place to live, looking for a business site, or considering a place to retire, you’ll find what you are looking for in Stanley."
Stanley High School - Home of "The Blue Jays"

from Yorkshire Pudding

Pottery Results

The “ landscape” letter rack turned out a bit lurid 

But my fat camel looked pretty sweet

As did the octopus 

My salt spoon looked as though a five year old had made it lol

from Going Gently

A word

 My life

Should be

A proclamation

Of what this

Holy Week 


In Your Word

The sinner

Is forgiven

And life

Is lived

With divine purpose

And grace

That is

Given freely

Every day

Let my worship

Be one 

That glorifies



My own selfish ambition

from R's rue

Gongs and Bhajis

 It’s 14 degrees, warmish, slightly overcast with a breeze from the south East. The cattle in the fields West of the village are all sat with their faces to the weak sun . Their backs to the wind.
The cottage smells of turmeric and mild curry powder.
I’m making low fat vegetable bhajis.
I’ve decided that the tulips I bought will last another week if I’m lucky, a Walker in the lane commented only last week that he always like the fact I have flowers in a vase in the lane window.
He mentioned that my wisteria had started to sprout on the garden arch.
I hadn’t noticed.
Last night I watched the Olivier Awards. 
The compare Jason Manford set the tone straight away by joking with the audience that “ This is an evening of back-slapping, not face-slapping!”
I think everyone seemed to appreciate the comment. 
Lovely to see Sheffield’s own Life Of Pi do so well and I was made up to see the four leading actors in Cabaret winning a gong too….especially Elliot Levy and Lisa Sadovy the old German couple who find love in the twilight of their lives.

The bhajis have turned out exceptionally well.
So much so that I will post the recipe 

One large onion, thinly sliced
One large sweet potato grated
One large carrot, grated
2 cm fresh ginger grated
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp turmeric
50 g of chick pea flour
Zest and juice of a lime
1 red chilli chopped
Mix ingredients into patties
Cook in hot over 200 for half an hour

Serve with soya yogurt flavoured with mango chutney

It’s the half season finale for The Walking Dead later

from Going Gently