Gongs and Bhajis

 It’s 14 degrees, warmish, slightly overcast with a breeze from the south East. The cattle in the fields West of the village are all sat with their faces to the weak sun . Their backs to the wind.
The cottage smells of turmeric and mild curry powder.
I’m making low fat vegetable bhajis.
I’ve decided that the tulips I bought will last another week if I’m lucky, a Walker in the lane commented only last week that he always like the fact I have flowers in a vase in the lane window.
He mentioned that my wisteria had started to sprout on the garden arch.
I hadn’t noticed.
Last night I watched the Olivier Awards. 
The compare Jason Manford set the tone straight away by joking with the audience that “ This is an evening of back-slapping, not face-slapping!”
I think everyone seemed to appreciate the comment. 
Lovely to see Sheffield’s own Life Of Pi do so well and I was made up to see the four leading actors in Cabaret winning a gong too….especially Elliot Levy and Lisa Sadovy the old German couple who find love in the twilight of their lives.

The bhajis have turned out exceptionally well.
So much so that I will post the recipe 

One large onion, thinly sliced
One large sweet potato grated
One large carrot, grated
2 cm fresh ginger grated
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp turmeric
50 g of chick pea flour
Zest and juice of a lime
1 red chilli chopped
Mix ingredients into patties
Cook in hot over 200 for half an hour

Serve with soya yogurt flavoured with mango chutney

It’s the half season finale for The Walking Dead later

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/sTntabK

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