
 Can I ask a favor?  I’ve been hearing this country song Need a Favor by Jelly Roll. It’s a song that’s making me ask some questions. Thank you

from R's rue https://ift.tt/MzBuK0w


There is a lonesome crossroads high on the moors of Staffordshire. There stands a signpost with only three arms. It seems that the fourth arm was broken off or disappeared some years ago.. The signpost was erected by Staffordshire County Council in the nineteenth century to guide travellers.

I took a photograph of it on Saturday only to discover when I got home that I had taken a better picture of it back in November 2019. The light was quite perfect at that moment and I am rather pleased with the image. It is the one at the top of this blogpost. You can see a little badge on the post - SCC which of course stands for Staffordshire County Council.

Needless to say, one can take a photograph in different light or weather conditions, at different times of year and from different angles and viewpoints. Though photographers can be looking at the same subject, the results may be very different.

Looking through the annals of Geograph in that particular Ordnance Survey square, I found these six pictures of the same signpost snapped by different contributors.and I thought it would be interesting to compare them.

The one below captured by Brian Deegan is my favourite. It is moody and captures the wild and slightly unsettling feeling one might experience up on those moors when the sky is leaden and the wind is blowing. In comparison, my own image seems rather benign. By the way, in case you were wondering, "Royal Cottage" was once a wayside tavern by the main road between Buxton and Leek.
In order, copyright acknowledgement to Geograph contributors:  
Ian S, Peter McDermott, L.Marsden, Espresso Addict, Peter Barr and Brian Deegan.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/Ge0BL6j


 Some things about me

I love coffee shops 

Boutique shopping is my jam

I love to read sports romance 

Ask me any questions you have. Trying to make a post off your questions 

from R's rue https://ift.tt/gTzQIXM


 Does anyone else feel as though they are on catch up all of the time?
At times I can be almost overwhelmed by the size my to do list
And my life is nothing special 
Today I’ve taken the dogs out for a long walk, picked wild garlic flowers which resemble little fireworks of white and ordered logs and shopped. 
I’ve also called around to  Meirion Jones’ neat little bungalow to sweet talk him into being our flower Judge this year. He has the best garden in the village.
The flower show returns to Trelawnyd on August 5 th 
So back to today
It’s just past 10 am and I have a workbook for university to finish and share with my tutor on line. That has to be completed this afternoon.
I have certificates to sort for the Hall window sponsorship, they need printing out, hand finishing and posting
There are Carpets to clean after Albert’s nocturnal bladder emptying 
Dorothy to shower ( gawd don’t ask why) and it’s bugging me that my new outside solar lights haven’t had their little paper lanterns slipped over their cages.
The floor needs mopping, the chimney sweep needs re booking and I need to sort my repeat prescription for antibiotics out with the pharmacy. 
Oh and I got to sort out more vendors and posters for the vintage table stop sale a week on Saturday .
My to do list is written and I think I need another bucket of coffee

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/VZAYdRk