I thought I would share a story with you today.
Well, to be honest Going Gently is all about stories...but this one is true and is one I couldn't quite share at the time it happened.
I'm sat in a park in St Asaph.
St Asaph is the " city" where I was born.
The cathedral bell has just rung a sombre 9 am and I'm sipping coffee at a picnic table.
The sun is shining!
The city, is infact the size of a large village and I'm here waiting for Bluebell to have her brakes repaired at a nearby garage
My story starts two years ago.
I was in a very bad place. My husband had just left me ...I had no job
He had taken the car we both used and so I was reliant on friends like jason who loaned me their cars to catch up on the basics .
More importantly I had no money.
No money which to buy a car and certainly no money to pay a solicitor
My solicitor is based in St Asaph
Right next to the cathedral
I remember the day when I saw her for the first time.
She was full of very Welsh sympathy, had an elasticaed waist on her pants and offered constant cups of coffee....
Welsh sympathy often means repeating the word "
Bechod!" In a supportive way
Anyhow, I digress.
She informed me that the divorce could cost me a small fortune and I remember thinking at the time how the fuck was I going to afford that as well as financing a new car which I so desperately needed.
It was a very bleak day indeed!
Then serendipity reared her fortunate head, as she has done so many times for me these last couple of years!
I returned home after that first consultation to a phone message...a phone message from a solicitor's firm in Manchester. A solicitor that specialised in PPI
I had requested a PPI review several months before and had totally forgotten about it, but the message was real
" you have a claim mr Gray " it said " several in fact going back into the 1990s!"
Even the clerk sounded excited
I rang back and told her I would kiss her on the lips if what she said was true
She told me it was true with a titter!
That money paid for Bluebell
It also got me onto my feet
Bluebell was my saviour. Under her steam I found a crappy job which boosted my self worth and with her I managed to sort out vet runs for poorly dogs, solicitor meetings and my independence.
Bluebell and serendipity have been good friends to me
I won't forget either of them x
Ever x
Bluebell sleeping in the shade of the church elms today