Maria is enjoying her visit back to the 1900's in San Francisco.  She has no desire to return to 2020 and all of its' problems.  At least for now she will find out all she can about this  other Maria that she truly has no memory of and finds it so odd  that she carried this name through to the present life.   She is amazed at the lifestyle she once had,  and the beauty of this Victorian house that was built several years after a catastrophic fire in San Francisco in 1851.  

She is hoping to eventually find out what year Maria died.   Not only was there this first Diary she found on the table but also several more upstairs in a cabinet and none of them in any particular order.  Disorder doesn't surprise Maria at all as she herself has always been an unorganized but highly creative person so she is truly enjoying the journals  - or as Maria liked to call them  her "secret diaries" a random manner of exploring them.

However, the big question that looms in Maria's mind is Where in the Heck is this Victorian Maria - why is her house still here along with her diaries and even more interesting is who is taking care and feeding all these wonderful birds that live in the aviaries out in back on the property.  Where is Maria - Then the thought comes - there is no Maria to meet with - It's physically impossible ...unless...     no ....don't even go further with this thought...   it's all so confusing.

The thought just came .. "Is Life just a Dream or is this Dream  a True life."  And what of the time traveling machine - is it real?

Oh Heck ...  as Scarlett would say ," after all there is tomorrow." 

So tomorrow Maria will give more thought to her questions.

(And I'm so interested to get to anything Maria might have talked about regarding the really big earthquake and fire in San Francisco in 1906.  So far nothing in those diaries.)

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