let it go

 you see 

my heart

stop straining

for affection

in wrong places

and different spaces


don't control

your reality

thank you

for your blessing

in spite

of my 


you reign

i just 

have to




be nice

is it 

that hard

then again


with power




i represent


the cross 

is on 

my neck

so I will


from what

i want to say

it is no longer

eye for an eye

though old habits

slowly fade

it's a journey

to love you

i must love

the mirror's reflection

man is

not God

though he seek to be

from R's rue https://ift.tt/35kzxF4

Retail & Art Therapy


My friend Ruth needed some “ Yes You have to buy it, buy it now “ kind of therapy today,
So we met up at The Mostyn Gallery and I suggested several rather expensive paintings which she instantly fell in love with!
I had fishfinger sandwiches at the oriel cafe while Ruth had falafels,
Our final pre lockdown bit of culture

and we had a mooch around the Athena Papadopoulos instillation , before more shopping where
I bought my fair share of frippery
My gay, bearded plant pot 

A pottery whale

A doggy stand for hot saucepans with doggy spatulas!

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/2ThySi6



Si quisieras oirme

Dejame derte

Las gracias

De conocerte

Fijate que

ahora en tiempo

No entiendo

el mundo


tengo la guarantiza

Que no tengo

que entender

solo necesito

fe y nada mas

mi primera lengua

es el del Senor

Con un corazón 

de amor

Me ganare todo

from R's rue https://ift.tt/2TnThBX



Calls balls

And strikes

foul balls

and out calls

Batter up

hit it out

While i enjoy

a frankfurter

From Ball Park

I want 

the works

Nachos and

a pretzel



at it

an evening

with chewing gum

spit out

by my 

favorite player

from R's rue https://ift.tt/3mcYs4h

Mary Janes













mary janes




from R's rue https://ift.tt/35nUyi7


After being in COVID Tier 2 for little more than a week, Sheffield and South Yorkshire have now been placed in the top tier - Tier 3. It makes you wonder why we weren't in the top tier in the first place. After all, any effects of the Tier 2 restrictions did not have chance to filter through. It is all very confusing.

I have read the official Tier 3  guidelines very carefully. The fact that these guidelines consist of both rules and advice is itself confusing. For example, we are advised not to travel outside South Yorkshire from Saturday onwards but if I do and the bobbies happen to stop me am I breaking the law? Apparently not but a cop who has not read the guidelines might think otherwise.

At this point I was going to insert some made-up silly Tier 3 rules - just for fun but when I saw what I had written, I thought to myself - that's not funny. In fact, it has been difficult to find any  humour in this entire COVID-19 saga. It's a continuing nightmare like a never-ending season of "Love Island" or "At Home With the Kardashians" that we are all required to watch.

Tonight we have arranged to meet up with Frances and Stewart for dinner at "The Robin Hood" in Millhouses but we won't be allowed to sit at the same table as we live in different houses. The landlady has agreed to give us two adjacent tables - two metres apart and of course we may only remove our face masks when seated. We will see how it goes. At least I won't be cooking tonight.

Partly for future reference, here are some of today's COVID statistics:-

Great Britain: 789,229 known cases overall. 44,158 deaths. Yesterday there were 26,688 new cases and 191 deaths.

Australia: 27,466 known cases overall. 905 deaths. Yesterday there were 22 new cases but no extra deaths.

Florida USA: 762,534 cases overall. 16,210 deaths.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/3jmMdAh