Ole Laya Loila

 I can’t wait to sing this at choir again 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/2LY7jdH



I wrote this on Suffolk Sue’s blog..it’s kinda like a poem

“ My loneliness is intermittent and cunning,

                       It catches me unawares, when I least want it to

                       Most of the time I’m fine and grateful to have what I have

                       But loneliness still lurks like a child’s monster under my bed” 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3aorH0L

Is this news?

 I’ve just spent nearly a hundred pounds at the supermarket.
How did that effin’ happen? 
I’ve also had an argument with a couple of entitled mothers who let their respective children invade Dorothy’s  body space 
I’ve had several such altercations in my time. 
I cannot abide parents who think it’s perfectly ok for their little darlings to approach a dog they don’t know without permission .
I missed coffee with Chic Eleanor which pissed me off
Dorothy also happily shredded two extra large kitchen rolls in the back of Bluebell  during the ten minutes it took me to collect some meds at the vets.
I had to pull what looked like a ton of white papier-mâché from her mouth and throat in the vets car park with the help of a man with a poorly and very shy dachshund which caused a minor drama in itself  
Three bits of excitement for the day.....

I bought a cheerful fruit bowl, an indoor primula and flowers... from Sainsbury’s ....it’s yellow interior pleased me. 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3k5Akkp






No place 

I’d rather be

from R's rue https://ift.tt/37mo9dw