For a while I have been dipping into an American pro-democracy website called "The Meidas Touch". It was founded by Ben, Brett and Jordan - the Meiselas brothers - in March 2020. Their YouTube channel has received over four billion visits.
They seem to be on a mission to puncture Trump's bubble as they pick away at his rambling speeches and unfound claims in an intelligent, non-sensationalist manner. They have really got Trump's number and I suspect they understand him better than he understands himself.
This morning, one of the "Meidas Touch" videos made me chuckle and then guffaw with laughter. Again, in a non-sensationalist, measured manner they were examining widespread reports that Trump is literally smelly. His farts are by many accounts repulsive and it is believed he sometimes poops his pants. His former lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen, calls him Donald Von ShitzInPantz
Has such a thing ever been rumoured before about a leading politician in America or any other country? Check out the fifteen minute video yourself. You might also get a good belly laugh but look at it in another way and it is simply very concerning:-
from Yorkshire Pudding