A Change Of Scene

Look very closely the second photo enlargement will tell all 

East of Trelawnyd you will find a low wide valley filled with a patchwork of fields, farms and occasional houses. I took Mary Eastwards on London Road then turned north behind Basil the farmer's fields towards the back of Gop Hill . Trelawnyd lies sheltered at the Southern aspect of the hill
In one of the fields I spied a tinyfigure and as I squinted to see who it was I thought I saw a faint billow of a pashmina in the breeze.
I waved and the figure waved back hurrying down the green meadow like Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music 
and I was sure I heard " Darling John is that you?" above the chirping of the hedge sparrows .
Chic Eleanor and I  chatted for a while our faces meeting between a two metre gap in the hawthorn but then had to wave our goodbyes after Jo, Ian and "Eleven"walked towards us in a fit of frantic barks.
"Eleven" is my collective name for the couple's whippets, as I never remember their names. Eleven refers to the number of legs the three dogs own between them

chic Eleanor having a Jane Austin moment

This afternoon I have weeded the front garden, read a bit with my head on both bulldogs as they sunbathed , oh and arranged my latest cushion , a handmade yellow crotchet cushion from my sister. She made it to fit in with my new yellow living room.

Janet's cushion on the right

I'm going back to work on three nights on Friday

Body In A Bed

I wake early.
It's the warm light of April coupled with the fact that the cottage faces South with her head in the sun that does it.
I never think about closing the curtains.
I only do that when I am on night shifts

I started to wake around 6 am and rolled over against a large immovable warm body.
My queen sized bed , effectively cut down into half a single
For a split second I flashed to a memory of a couple of years ago when it was normal to have a warm body in my bed and for that split second I believed it to be so again.

Muscle and sensory memories flashed forward then back like a large wave on a beach.

Then Winnie , lying full length like a massive tan sausage roll smacked her gums like a canine Popeye and reality took back over as it quietly always does at times like this

Like the cat walking through the bead curtain scene in Amelie
It broke my heart for a split second