
 I spent much of the morning in urology outpatients 
I never tell staff that I’m a nurse, I’m funny like that, I feign ignorance and watch everything like a welsh terrier. 
The consultant was nice enough 
I didn’t think much of the nurse I met. 

This afternoon, I went to Chester to see the Welsh horror movie The Feast , which was so dire, I left after an hour .
A friend texted me a simple, sad message about him starting chemotherapy and I was glad I walked out of the cinema . I hurried out of the Storyhouse and sat in the sun , in the Cathedral grounds 

And we talked  

from Going Gently



 Didn’t get news I wanted at the doctor, but growth is taking in stride. I’m realizing what want is not always best. You don’t get to choose. You just trust. It’s the first time, I didn’t have high blood pressure due to anxiety. Making the choice for peace. I didn’t realize, I consciously surrendered for the first time in my life. It feels good. I will grieve later, but right now, I accept. The psychiatrist was right. The Serenity Prayer. The answer that is true when all else may not be. 

from R's rue